Start-up Insurance

Just starting your own company or consulting firm and not sure what insurance you should have versus what you need?  Contact us and we'll send you a checklist to help you work through the process.

Going to the next level?

If you are looking for marketing or consulting expertise to either start your own business or take your business to the next level, you can contact us or send us an email telling us what you are trying to do. We will get back to you with additional information.

Litigation Stress Management Coaching

Anyone involved with litigation is in a stressful situation for various reasons, which is normal. What is not normal is letting litigation stress trigger a plethora of harmful physical and emotional reactions. An excessive litigation stress reaction is common in health care professionals sued for malpractice, but it can happen to anyone.

Starting in 1992, Tom Cox began studying litigation stress in healthcare professionals. He developed a series of seminars, has done one-on-one coaching, has had articles published in journals, presented nationally on the topic, and currently has a book available.

Surviving a Malpractice Suit

Dealing with Litigation Stress for Health Care Professionals

“Surviving a Malpractice Suit” is available on Amazon. In this book, Tom relates all he has learned over 30 years, in ongoing study and dealings with health care professionals and others who have sought his coaching. The book is available in the first edition; a revised edition is currently in process.